Last week, I took part in a Zoom call led by Young Living Platinum, Kim Mahr. She was so honest and real, which is what I love in a leader! I want to share some of her knowledge that really hit home with me that I thought might also help others.
When we are chasing after a goal, most of the time, we are the only things holding ourselves back. Language, especially self-talk, is so powerful! Negative self-talk leads to limiting beliefs, so it is important to practice manifestation and visualize how you want your life to look.
Kim shared the 5 P’s of Powerful Affirmations:
1. Personal- You need to use “I,” “me,” or “mine.” You cannot affirm stuff for other people, only for yourself.
2. Present Tense- Use the words “am” and “is” instead of “will.” The affirmation should be about right here, right now...not in the future!
3. Positive- Do not use negative words.
4. Powerful- It needs to be strong, not weak.
5. Praise- Pack it with gratitude! “I am so grateful that...”
Pick 3-5 of your limiting beliefs (I’m too shy, I’m not smart enough, etc.) and turn them into positive affirmations. Write each of these affirmations in a notebook five times everyday. Look in the mirror and say them to yourself each morning. You can also write them on sticky notes, put them on your computer or phone background, or anywhere else where they will be visible to you.
Kim stressed that the motivation has to be for you, not anyone else. You cannot make it about your spouse, kids, parents, etc., which is the hardest part for me! We deserve to find a passion and to fill our own cups, which will, in turn, improve the lives of our loved ones as well!
I have always struggled with affirmations. I’ve heard over and over again how important they are for a positive mindset, but I have never really put them into action. This time, I am going to give it a try and see the difference it makes. Below is one affirmation that I came up with and wanted to share. I’d love for you to come up with one of your own and share in the comments if you’re comfortable doing so.