Tantrums are very real, and they don't necessarily get better with age!
My youngest can throw a fit over literally ANYTHING! Socks aren't just right....she will lay on the ground and kick and scream. Shorts are too tight or loose....she can't just change them. Instead, she needs to make it known to everyone within a 5-mile radius!Discipline is hard!
Before I had my own kids, I will admit that I was one of those people who would say things like "My kids will never act like that." Well, I have quickly learned that until you are the one in the trenches, please don't judge. Sometimes, it doesn't matter what form of punishment or reward we try, it just doesn't work. Children definitely have minds of their own, and both of my girls are very strong-willed. There is so much trial and error, and what works for one child does not always work for another. It's definitely still a work in progress, and I am beginning to accept that it always will be. I just hope and pray that we are doing enough to help them grow into independent and responsible adults.Raising kids in today's world is so scary!
Phones and social media are two of my biggest worries. My girls have already started asking for their own phones, and the thought of them someday having them scares me to death. I know the day will come, but I am going to put it off for as long as possible! (And I am sure they will not like me for it!) I constantly hear of children being taken from their parents when they are shopping or out somewhere, and I admit that I am in constant fear when I go somewhere by myself with the girls and am always on them to stay right with me and pay attention to what is going on around them. Violence in schools is another thing that I don't ever remember having to worry about when I was young, but my girls have voiced concerns over fears that they have, and that totally breaks my heart! I can't imagine having to grow up in today's world, and I am often very sorry that my girls have to do just that!We can't keep our kids in a bubble, and protect them from the "mean" things that people will inevitably say and do to them.
Unfortunately, the Golden Rule is not something that everyone lives by. I have learned all that I can do is teach my girls to lead by example and treat others how they want to be treated. I try to instill the importance of being the bigger person when they are in a tough situation, and I hope they are able to remember these things as they grow older and face adversity.It's OK not to be perfect!
There is so much advice on parenting out there, and so much of it is so conflicting! I have found that what works for one, probably is not going to work for all. Whether you work outside the home or stay at home, cook at home every night or eat fast food from time to time...I could go on and on! When you sit and think about the big picture, most of this doesn't really matter at all, as long as your family is healthy and happy! I am slowly learning to let a lot of these things go and just do what is best for us.
Kids can make you go from screaming mad to total mush in no time flat!
All my girls have to do is say, "You're the best mom ever," or come up and give me a hug, and I quickly forgive and forget.I never knew how much pride I could have for someone!
My girls make me proud in so many ways! There are simple things, such as singing along with "Livin' on a Prayer," which shows their awesome taste in music! When they are on stage dancing their hearts out, I can't help but get teary-eyed every single time! I think the thing I am most proud of is their compassion and empathy toward others.I hope and pray every day that I am doing right by the girls, and that they will always know without a doubt that I love them with all of my heart and will always be here for them no matter what! I will never tell anyone that being a parent is easy, but I will tell them that it is totally worth it!!