By: Erin
I heard something on a podcast recently that really stuck with me. It basically said that those of us who are parents often lose ourselves when we have children, but it is important for us not to let this happen. This podcast, along with some social media posts and articles that I have seen lately, seems to be speaking directly to me!
When we become parents, our children depend on us for everything, and we give up a lot to ensure that they are happy and healthy. As a result, I believe that many of us, myself included, start to lose sight of the person that we were before we had kids. Don't get me wrong...I do not regret becoming a mother, and my girls are my world, but I do think that I could be a much better mom if I would pour into my own cup from time to time. This is something that I struggle with a lot because when I do take time to do something I enjoy, I often feel guilty. I am sure many of you can relate, but I am determined not to let "mom guilt" get the best of me because I am learning that the old saying "If Momma isn't happy, nobody's happy" is very true!
I have started taking some small steps to "find myself" again:
I take 30 minutes (almost) every day to exercise. I was an athlete in high school and was always in pretty good shape. I decided that I didn't like feeling tired and out of shape all the time, so I am taking time for me to get healthier and feel better. Does this take some time away from my family? Yes, but my girls are starting to mirror my behaviors and want to exercise along with me, so I think it is actually a win for everyone!Reading:
I have always loved to read, and I have recently started to take the time to read books for enjoyment again. After the girls go to bed, I could use that time to clean, do laundry, etc., but I have started going to bed and reading. It helps me unwind after my day, and it brings me joy.
Working my Young Living Business:
I love being a Young Living distributor for so many reasons. I get to meet new people, it forces me out of my comfort zone, and I get to help people. It does take time away from my family sometimes, but I can usually work from home and still make money to help our family without having to get a part-time job elsewhere to help supplement our income.
There are some other things that I would like to start doing also:
I want to start getting a massage every month! It helps me relax and de-stress, and I feel so much better afterward!
Date Nights:
My husband and I need to start taking time for just the two of us to reconnect and have fun together. This one is hard for me because I do feel guilty for leaving my girls with someone else while we go out and have fun. It is also hard for us to find the time, but we need to start MAKING the time! Someone once told me to remember that someday our kids will be grown up and gone but our spouse will always be there, so we shouldn't neglect our marriage just because we are raising our children.
I hope these ideas are helpful to some of you or that this at least makes you think about what truly makes you happy. I want my family to be happy and healthy, and I am learning that it all starts with me!
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