Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Things No One Told Me About Being a Mom

Being a mommy is the hardest job I've had for sure!  It is also, by far, the most rewarding!  When you are pregnant, everyone has advice for when your new baby gets here, but I have quickly found out that there are A LOT  of things that no one tells you about being a mom (or maybe they did, and I just chose not to listen)!  Here are just a few of the things that I have learned "the hard way" throughout the past 8 years:

Tantrums are very real, and they don't necessarily get better with age!  

My youngest can throw a fit over literally ANYTHING!  Socks aren't just right....she will lay on the ground and kick and scream.  Shorts are too tight or loose....she can't just change them. Instead, she needs to make it known to everyone within a 5-mile radius! 

Discipline is hard!  

Before I had my own kids, I will admit that I was one of those people who would say things like "My kids will never act like that." Well, I have quickly learned that until you are the one in the trenches, please don't judge.  Sometimes, it doesn't matter what form of punishment or reward we try, it just doesn't work.  Children definitely have minds of their own, and both of my girls are very strong-willed.  There is so much trial and error, and what works for one child does not always work for another.  It's definitely still a work in progress, and I am beginning to accept that it always will be.  I just hope and pray that we are doing enough to help them grow into independent and responsible adults.

Raising kids in today's world is so scary!  

Phones and social media are two of my biggest worries.  My girls have already started asking for their own phones, and the thought of them someday having them scares me to death.  I know the day will come, but I am going to put it off for as long as possible!  (And I am sure they will not like me for it!)  I constantly hear of children being taken from their parents when they are shopping or out somewhere, and I admit that I am in constant fear when I go somewhere by myself with the girls and am always on them to stay right with me and pay attention to what is going on around them.  Violence in schools is another thing that I don't ever remember having to worry about when I was young, but my girls have voiced concerns over fears that they have, and that totally breaks my heart!  I can't imagine having to grow up in today's world, and I am often very sorry that my girls have to do just that!

We can't keep our kids in a bubble, and protect them from the "mean" things that people will inevitably say and do to them.  

Unfortunately, the Golden Rule is not something that everyone lives by.  I have learned all that I can do is teach my girls to lead by example and treat others how they want to be treated.  I try to instill the importance of being the bigger person when they are in a tough situation, and I hope they are able to remember these things as they grow older and face adversity.

It's OK not to be perfect!

There is so much advice on parenting out there, and so much of it is so conflicting!  I have found that what works for one, probably is not going to work for all.  Whether you work outside the home or stay at home, cook at home every night or eat fast food from time to time...I could go on and on!  When you sit and think about the big picture, most of this doesn't really matter at all, as long as your family is healthy and happy!  I am slowly learning to let a lot of these things go and just do what is best for us.  

Kids can make you go from screaming mad to total mush in no time flat! 

 All my girls have to do is say, "You're the best mom ever," or come up and give me a hug, and I quickly forgive and forget.  

I never knew how much pride I could have for someone!  

My girls make me proud in so many ways!  There are simple things, such as singing along with "Livin' on a Prayer," which shows their awesome taste in music!  When they are on stage dancing their hearts out, I can't help but get teary-eyed every single time!  I think the thing I am most proud of is their compassion and empathy toward others.  

 I hope and pray every day that I am doing right by the girls, and that they will always know without a doubt that I love them with all of my heart and will always be here for them no matter what!  I will never tell anyone that being a parent is easy, but I will tell them that it is totally worth it!! 

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Back-to-School Survival Guide

It's hard to believe that summer break is already over!! I always have mixed feelings at this time of the year.  Part of me is ready to get back on a schedule and have a routine.  The other part of me is really going to miss sleeping in and spending time with my girls!  I also dread the stress that comes with a new school year and a new group of kindergartners.  You never know what to expect from year to year, and no matter how long I have been teaching, I think I will always have those first-day jitters!  However, it is also exciting to meet my new group of kids and get to know them throughout the school year.  Here is my top 10 list (in no particular order) for back-to-school survival:
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1. Advocare Spark Energy Drink: 

This stuff is AMAZING!! I used to drink a Mt. Dew to wake up in the mornings, but I was able to stop drinking pop almost altogether when I found out about Spark a few years ago.  Spark is a vitamin and amino acid supplement that helps sharpen mental focus, provide long-lasting energy, and is sugar-free.  It has 120 mg of caffeine per serving.  It is a powder that you add to water, and it comes in lots of delicious flavors.  Our favorite flavors are cherry and fruit punch!  It is a life-saver for early mornings, and I do not function well without it!  (An added bonus was losing weight because I was able to quit drinking pop.)

Image result for advocare spark

2. Essential Oil Diffusers

It is hard to get the kids back in a routine of going to bed early when school starts, especially when it stays daylight so late.  Since we have started diffusing in our bedrooms, bedtime is so much easier!  It helps the kids settle down and fall asleep faster, and it helps me relax and turn off my brain so I can sleep.  Some of our favorite oils for sleep are Lavender, Vetiver, Stress Away, and Cedarwood. 
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3. Immunity Roller

One of the things I dread the most about going back to school is all of the sicknesses that go around each year.  We have started using the immunity roller that I made up with Thieves, Purification, and Oregano essential oils to help support our immune systems.  We just roll it on the bottom of our feet every night before bed.  Since we started using the oils about 3 years ago, we have been sick much less, and it seems like if we do get sick, it is much less severe and doesn't last as long as others around us.

4.  Stress Away and "Chill Out" Rollers

I am a kindergarten teacher, and I have 2 girls (6 and 8).  Needless to say, I have some stress that goes along with my job, and at the end of the day, I don't always have a lot of patience left for my girls.  One thing that has really helped me relieve stress and anxiety is using my Stress Away or "Chill Out" Rollers.  Stress Away is a roll-on that Young Living sells, and my "Chill Out" roller is one that I make myself with a combination of Lavender, Stress Away, Patchouli, Valor, Vetiver, and Joy.  I just apply as needed to the back of my neck and wrists.
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5. Detangler and Lice Deterrent

I make a detangler for the girls (and sometimes me) to use that helps with tangles, hair growth, and hair thickness, and as an added bonus, deters lice. I use Lavender, Cedarwood, Peppermint, and Tea Tree Essential Oils along with distilled water, witch hazel, and a squirt of conditioner.  It works great and smells wonderful!
Image may contain: Yolanda Capes

6. Breakfast on the Go

I have never been a big breakfast person (I know I should be), but I do need a little something in the morning.  I sleep as late as possible so I never have time to make anything for breakfast.  Therefore, I rely on quick, easy breakfast items that I can take on the go.  Some of my favorites are the Nature Valley or Belvita breakfast bars. 
Image result for nature valley breakfast bars

7. Skechers

I am not a big fan of uncomfortable dress shoes since I am on my feet a lot at school.  I love the Skechers slip-on shoes that are dressy enough to wear to school but also super comfortable. 
Image result for skechers

8. Ningxia Red

Ningxia Red is a powerful whole-body supplement from Young Living. Just one shot a day is packed with superfoods to support overall wellness with antioxidants.  The benefits include support for energy levels, normal cellular function, and whole-body and normal eye health. When I come home exhausted after a long day at school, I take a shot of Ningxia, and it seems to help me gain enough energy to get through the evening.  
Image result for ningxia red

9. Pinterest

Who doesn't love Pinterest?!? I really don't know what I would do without it, honestly. I love using it for ideas for my classroom and for quick, simple recipes for supper when our schedules get crazy!
Image result for pinterest

10. Relaxing Weekends

When school starts, I love to have weekends where we can relax, spend quality family time together, and recharge after a busy week.  I love reading, watching movies, relaxing on the porch, and taking naps on the weekends. 

Image may contain: one or more people and people sitting

Well, there you have top 10 list for surviving back-to-school time.  I hope some of these things are helpful to others, and I would love to hear your tips also!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

A Work in Progress

Why do we care so much about what others think of us?  I am extremely guilty of comparing myself to others and worrying about others' opinions of me.  I think this is where a lot of my anxiety comes into play, and when I really sit and think about it, I realize how silly it all is.  
Friday Favourites: Creative Market Ă¢€” Beautiful Simplicity >> Comparison is the thief of joy
I am often described as shy, backward, an introvert, and I am sure some would say that I am "stuck up."  What most people don't know is that I am so quiet and don't like being in crowds or in front of people because I am constantly worrying about what others are thinking about me. I worry that I will say something "stupid" or that everyone will notice how red my face turns when I am put on the spot or made to talk in front of a crowd.  I am also a very emotional person, and I worry about crying and looking silly when I talk about things that matter most to me.  I wish I had more confidence and could communicate better with others.  I think this is one reason that I decided to start this blog.  I can communicate so much better through writing than through conversation.
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I worry about what others think about how I look.  I worry that my clothes are not "in style" or that they aren't appropriate for a "mom" or a "teacher."  I see others in nice, dressy clothes and want to like wearing things like that but am just not comfortable when I do.  I worry that my clothes are too tight or too short or too baggy...I could really go on and on. I hate to wear makeup, but I often do because everyone else does!  I worry that I am too skinny or that my belly is getting flabby again.  I don't need to impress anyone.  As long as I am comfortable with what I am in or how I look, then that is really all that matters, right?  I tell myself this, but it's still hard. 
via | floral wreath
When I post on Facebook or Instagram about my Young Living, I worry that others think I am being too pushy or that I am annoying people.  I worry that others think I am wasting my time and will not be successful in the business.  I worry that people think it's all a scam and how could I fall for "another pyramid scheme."  When I stop and think about my "why" for working this business, then I realize that none of those doubts should matter.  I am doing this to help others and because I enjoy teaching people about things I am passionate about. I am earning extra money for my family by doing something from home so that I don't have to get another job on top of my teaching career.  I am helping us pay off debt, go on vacations, pay for our girls to dance.  These are the things I need to keep in mind when I start to get discouraged or worried about what others are saying about me.  
My family has had some tough decisions to make recently, and when these circumstances occur, I often find myself worrying about what others will say or think instead of what is really best for me or my family.  I worry that I will be seen as selfish.  However, I have to remind myself that I need to take care of me too. You cannot pour from an empty cup!  I think this is one of the hardest things for me to realize and make myself accept.  
Amazing questionĂ¢€”- can you??? (via inspirational collages-...
I want to share some things that I have tried that help me when I start to feel overwhelmed.  I have started reading inspiration/motivational books.  One that I read earlier this summer was Girl, Wash Your Face.  I highly recommend it!  I also find it helpful to post motivational quotes or affirmations where I can see them as reminders.  I am trying to take more time for me and doing things that I enjoy, such as reading, watching movies, and getting a massage.  This helps me recharge my batteries and get back on track when I need it.  I also rely on my essential oils for anxiety and relaxation and have found several that help a lot!  
Note to self.
I have been thinking a lot about these things lately, and I think God is putting it on my heart for several reasons. First and foremost, He is the only one whose judgment I should really care about, and as long as I am doing right by Him, that is all that really matters.  I also feel that I was being nudged to write this blog to hopefully help others who might be in similar situations.  I think it helps us all to know we are not the only ones with these feelings and insecurities.  Lastly, I want to do it for my girls.  I don't want them having the same self-esteem and confidence issues that I have.  I want them to be comfortable in their skin and to not worry about what others think about them. In order for this to happen, I know that I need to set a better example for them, and I intend to start doing just that!

Monday, July 16, 2018

Adventures in Michigan

Last summer, my mom wanted to take us to Michigan for our family vacation.  I have to admit, I was very hesitant because I would normally prefer a tropical beach getaway.  However, I was pleasantly surprised to thoroughly enjoy it "up north." The beaches are clean, and the water is crystal clear.  Best of all, there is no saltwater or sharks!! Needless to say, when she suggested a return trip this summer, I was very excited!

Our first destination was St. Joseph, Michigan.  This was also our first stop last year, and we all decided it was a must on our to-do list again this time.  We ate lunch at Silver Beach Pizza, which I highly recommend to everyone! They have awesome pizza and a cool atmosphere.  If you go, expect a long wait, but there is plenty to do within walking distance as you wait. The girls rode the carousel and we took a walk down to Silver Beach.  There is also a pier with a lighthouse and a huge fountain for the kids to play in.

After lunch, we headed north to Ludington, Michigan.  We rented a 4-bedroom house just about 10-15 minutes out of town along Hamlin Lake, and it was perfect!  Ludington has lots to do and is a beautiful little town.  Stearns Park had a nice, big beach along Lake Michigan, and there is a pier that leads out to a lighthouse. It is a great place to view beautiful sunsets!  There are tons of neat little shops downtown, and one of our frequent stops was House of Flavors for ice cream. We didn't have a single flavor that we didn't love!!

Ludington State Park was just about a 10 minute drive from our house as well. One day, we all rented bicycles and rode on a trail out to the Big Sable Lighthouse.  We climbed the 130 steps to the top of the lighthouse and enjoyed the awesome views!  Another day, we hiked on the Island Trail and Lost Lake Trail.  It was a beautiful, relaxing hike through the woods with views of several lakes and ponds.  There is also a beautiful beach at the state park that the girls enjoyed visiting several times.

Just south of Ludington, in Mears, we rode the Mac Wood's Dune Ride.  This was definitely one of the highlights of our trip!  It is tons of fun and you get to see some amazing views! Last year, we also did the Saugatuck Dune Rides, and it is also totally worth it!  I highly recommend both of these if you visit Michigan.

On our way home from the dune rides, we stopped at Little Sable Lighthouse. The lighthouse was closed so we weren't able to climb it this year, but we did climb it last summer.  It is another very cool lighthouse with amazing views from the top!

We also visited The Jam Farm, which I had found on Pinterest.  It is a cute little family-owned store with delicious jams, preserves, dips, and more.  We loaded up with goodies and will definitely be back on our next trip!

We also made the drive up to the upper peninsula this year.  We crossed the Mackinac Bridge and then took a ferry over to Mackinac Island.  The island was very cool, but a little more crowded than I expected.  We ate lunch and took a horse and carriage ride around the island.  We did some shopping and bought some delicious fudge at one of the many fudge shops on the island.

We stayed overnight at a hotel in St. Ignace, and then woke up the next morning to make the drive back down to Ludington.  We stopped along the way at a couple of different lighthouses and beaches.  One of our favorite things to do in Michigan is collect rocks on the beach, so we spent a lot of our time doing just that!  (We always collect rocks or shells on our vacations to put in our flower bed at home!) We ate lunch at Legs Inn, which has awesome Polish food and unbeatable views from the backyard!  After lunch, we continued on our journey back to Ludington through the Tunnel of Trees.  This was an amazing drive on a narrow, winding road with breathtaking views of Lake Michigan and gorgeous homes along the way.  It was a long trip but totally worth it!

If you are looking for a relaxing, family-oriented vacation that isn't too far from home (if you're from Indiana), then we highly recommend the west coast of Michigan!  I know there is so much more that we didn't even get to do, and we are looking forward to exploring more of the state in the future!  If you have any questions about places we visited or things we did, we'd love to share. Also, if you have have any suggestions for our future trips, we'd love to hear them!

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Making Memories

By: Boogie

Peyton and Haley are finally old enough to start helping out in the kitchen. I want them to make memories like I did growing up.
 I remember the smell of breakfast being cooked every Saturday morning in our house at the end of Little Road in Royalton, Kentucky. My father would get up on Saturday mornings and start cooking breakfast for the people in our small community. He would make homemade biscuits, gravy, eggs, sausage, bacon…you name it, and he could fix it. People would start coming early in the morning to enjoy a tasty home cooked breakfast and even better conversation. The smiles that were on people’s faces were priceless.
After my father passed away, we moved to Indiana so we could be closer to my mom’s family. I remember going into the kitchen and watching her cook (lasagna was my favorite). She would always take the time to show me what to do. Sometimes the meals were not the most extravagant, but the conversations and laughter were priceless.  These are the types of memories I want to make with my daughters.
Yesterday, the girls and I decided to make homemade oatmeal cream pies. They get so excited when they get to help. Erin helped the girls get out all of the ingredients that we needed to begin. I have learned that it is very important for each of them to measure and add the ingredients by taking turns. If someone goes out of turn, it can become chaotic and incite quite the argument. The girls carefully added everything step by step making sure they followed the instructions for the cookies. Being an educator, I even sprinkled a few math problems to make the girls think about the amount they should add. They were solving math problems and didn’t even realize it. They really liked using the mixer to make the cream for the middle of the cookies. The girls enjoyed licking the paddles clean after they came out of the mixer. The cream that goes into the middle of the pie was super sweet, and it made the girls really hyper! We sat down together and finished making the pies.

As we were sitting at the table eating our own pies, one of the girls had the idea to take a cookie to Papaw Rodger. I thought that was a great idea, so we decided to take an oatmeal cream pie to Papaw, Nana, and Grandma and Grandpa. The girls and I loaded up in the van, turned up the radio, and delivered dessert to their grandparents. Each stop involved hugs and kisses for the girls’ efforts. The smiles on their faces were so rewarding. I hope these are memories the girls will keep with them as they get older and have families of their own.


Sunday, July 1, 2018

Our Weekend

By: Peyton

We had a fun and busy weekend! 
Saturday morning we went to Tailfeather Farm Market and ate biscuits and gravy.  In the evening, we went to 450 North and ate supper. I ate BBQ boneless wings, and they were delicious!  When we got home, Haley lost a tooth.

Sunday morning we went to church.  We learned that God is always looking out for us and that we shouldn't be afraid.  In the afternoon, we went swimming at my Nana's house.  My sister was swimming, and she bumped into the side of the pool.  She lost another tooth, but she dropped it in the pool!  After we left, our Aunt Yvonne was cleaning the pool and found her tooth!

We had an awesome weekend!!

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Our Newest Family Member

As some of you already know, we recently got a new puppy.  Her name is Bella, and she is a blue heeler and lab mix (although the vet says she doesn't really see much lab in her).  We had gone back and forth on whether or not to get a dog, and after my brother sent me some pics of her, we decided it was time. 

After bringing Bella home, we quickly realized that we had forgotten just how much work having a puppy could be!  It is really like having a baby all over again at times! 
Potty training is going pretty well so far. She pees on the floor from time to time, but for the most part, does a great job of going outside. One tip that the vet gave us was to give her the treat immediately after she does her business instead of waiting to get inside.  Then, she knows that she is being rewarded for pottying outside.  
The first couple of nights were pretty rough. We put her in a crate to sleep at night, but she whined a lot, and we didn't get much sleep!  We expected this in the beginning, but it was still hard to adjust. A friend of my mom suggested putting a sheet over her crate at night, so we gave it a try. WOW!!  She now goes right in her crate and lays down and sleeps almost all night without whining unless she needs to go outside.  The early morning wake-up calls,  usually around 6:00 am, are taking some getting used to, but I've seen some pretty sunrises! : )
We also learned from reading articles on the internet that heelers are known for nipping at ankles as part of their herding instinct.  This, and the fact that she's a puppy and they chew on EVERYTHING, is taking some getting used to, but she is quickly learning what "no" means.  Another great tip I found was to use a spray bottle to spray them when they are doing something wrong, and this has really helped a lot.  
Both of our girls are scared of all dogs, and we were hoping that getting a puppy would help calm their anxiety around dogs.  They are STILL scared of Bella even though she is so little, but hopefully, with time, that will get better!  

Overall, I would have to say adding Bella to the family was a great idea. She is a very loving and affectionate puppy, and I think she is beginning to fit right in. 

Friday, June 29, 2018

Here We Go!

I had this great idea to start a blog! I have always loved writing, and I used to be decent at it (hopefully I still am)! To be honest, I really have no clue what I'm doing or what I've gotten us into. I just thought it might be fun to share some snippets and thoughts from our everyday life. I am also hoping this will be a way for me to relieve stress, get some things off my mind, and maybe even help others along the way. My husband has also shown some interest in posting so you might get to see some thoughts from him from time to time too. Heck...we might even let the girls write some posts occasionally!
Let me start by introducing my family. My name is Erin, and I am a mom, wife, kindergarten teacher, and Young Living distributor. My husband's name is Leonard, and he is an assistant principal at an elementary school. We started dating in high school, and we have now been married for 14 years.  We live and work in the small community where we grew up.

We have two daughters, Peyton (8) and Haley (6).  They are the loves of our lives, and we are so proud of the young ladies they are becoming! They love to dance, and they both recently tried out and made the STEPS All-Star Dance Team.  I am sure you will be reading about our crazy dance escapades from time to time!

I am really looking forward to this experience, and I hope that you all enjoy our blog!