Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Back-to-School Survival Guide

It's hard to believe that summer break is already over!! I always have mixed feelings at this time of the year.  Part of me is ready to get back on a schedule and have a routine.  The other part of me is really going to miss sleeping in and spending time with my girls!  I also dread the stress that comes with a new school year and a new group of kindergartners.  You never know what to expect from year to year, and no matter how long I have been teaching, I think I will always have those first-day jitters!  However, it is also exciting to meet my new group of kids and get to know them throughout the school year.  Here is my top 10 list (in no particular order) for back-to-school survival:
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1. Advocare Spark Energy Drink: 

This stuff is AMAZING!! I used to drink a Mt. Dew to wake up in the mornings, but I was able to stop drinking pop almost altogether when I found out about Spark a few years ago.  Spark is a vitamin and amino acid supplement that helps sharpen mental focus, provide long-lasting energy, and is sugar-free.  It has 120 mg of caffeine per serving.  It is a powder that you add to water, and it comes in lots of delicious flavors.  Our favorite flavors are cherry and fruit punch!  It is a life-saver for early mornings, and I do not function well without it!  (An added bonus was losing weight because I was able to quit drinking pop.)

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2. Essential Oil Diffusers

It is hard to get the kids back in a routine of going to bed early when school starts, especially when it stays daylight so late.  Since we have started diffusing in our bedrooms, bedtime is so much easier!  It helps the kids settle down and fall asleep faster, and it helps me relax and turn off my brain so I can sleep.  Some of our favorite oils for sleep are Lavender, Vetiver, Stress Away, and Cedarwood. 
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3. Immunity Roller

One of the things I dread the most about going back to school is all of the sicknesses that go around each year.  We have started using the immunity roller that I made up with Thieves, Purification, and Oregano essential oils to help support our immune systems.  We just roll it on the bottom of our feet every night before bed.  Since we started using the oils about 3 years ago, we have been sick much less, and it seems like if we do get sick, it is much less severe and doesn't last as long as others around us.

4.  Stress Away and "Chill Out" Rollers

I am a kindergarten teacher, and I have 2 girls (6 and 8).  Needless to say, I have some stress that goes along with my job, and at the end of the day, I don't always have a lot of patience left for my girls.  One thing that has really helped me relieve stress and anxiety is using my Stress Away or "Chill Out" Rollers.  Stress Away is a roll-on that Young Living sells, and my "Chill Out" roller is one that I make myself with a combination of Lavender, Stress Away, Patchouli, Valor, Vetiver, and Joy.  I just apply as needed to the back of my neck and wrists.
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5. Detangler and Lice Deterrent

I make a detangler for the girls (and sometimes me) to use that helps with tangles, hair growth, and hair thickness, and as an added bonus, deters lice. I use Lavender, Cedarwood, Peppermint, and Tea Tree Essential Oils along with distilled water, witch hazel, and a squirt of conditioner.  It works great and smells wonderful!
Image may contain: Yolanda Capes

6. Breakfast on the Go

I have never been a big breakfast person (I know I should be), but I do need a little something in the morning.  I sleep as late as possible so I never have time to make anything for breakfast.  Therefore, I rely on quick, easy breakfast items that I can take on the go.  Some of my favorites are the Nature Valley or Belvita breakfast bars. 
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7. Skechers

I am not a big fan of uncomfortable dress shoes since I am on my feet a lot at school.  I love the Skechers slip-on shoes that are dressy enough to wear to school but also super comfortable. 
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8. Ningxia Red

Ningxia Red is a powerful whole-body supplement from Young Living. Just one shot a day is packed with superfoods to support overall wellness with antioxidants.  The benefits include support for energy levels, normal cellular function, and whole-body and normal eye health. When I come home exhausted after a long day at school, I take a shot of Ningxia, and it seems to help me gain enough energy to get through the evening.  
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9. Pinterest

Who doesn't love Pinterest?!? I really don't know what I would do without it, honestly. I love using it for ideas for my classroom and for quick, simple recipes for supper when our schedules get crazy!
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10. Relaxing Weekends

When school starts, I love to have weekends where we can relax, spend quality family time together, and recharge after a busy week.  I love reading, watching movies, relaxing on the porch, and taking naps on the weekends. 

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Well, there you have it....my top 10 list for surviving back-to-school time.  I hope some of these things are helpful to others, and I would love to hear your tips also!

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